Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Drip, Drip, Drop Little April Showers

We are having crazy weather out here. One moment it is sunny as all get out and then it becomes rainy and thundery. It's like all the seasons rolled into one day!!! hahaha...I guess that same mentality can be applied to this week!

It's been so busy with cleaning for our party on Saturday, going up to UCONN's campus last night for the big basketball game, dinner with Fr. Donahue tonight, shopping tomorrow for the party, a basketball game on Thursday and babysitting on Friday, this whirlwind schedule reminds me of college!!!

Alrighty, onto more important stuff--- I am constantly getting little signs to help remind me of patience and honesty. For those of you who know me pretty well, you know I am one to clam up and not voice something for fear of making the atmosphere uncomfortable or hurting someone's feelings or causing ripples in others' lives. Well, I was given this really great reflective book from Fr. Qui-Thac called, "A Heart Like His" and it is all about one virtue to concentrate on each day and that virtue is one that Jesus possessed in His heart, hence the title of this man's book. Well, the last few have floated around the virtues of honesty and patience. Two qualities that I need to find a balance. I feel I am too patient in some instances and not patient enough in others. Like biting my tongue for too long and then the issue just gets dropped (too patient) and having to leave the room because the question a kid asked me was so stupid or annoying (not patient enough). In addition, my honesty could be better balanced as well. I need to speak up when I should about my opinions, thoughts, ideas or complaints and I need to keep quiet when a comment could be biting or judgmental. Finding the balance is what I am asking for for Lent. Finding the balance between being too patient and not patient enough, finding the balance between being too honest and not being honest enough and Mother nature finding the balance between thundery and sunny days! :)

These are just the thoughts circulating in my mind at this second, while I am at work, thinking of how awesome my kids are and how much joy they bring to my life. These virtues are the ones I am hoping to mature and develop more in the coming 19 days!

1 comment:

  1. I can really appreciate your thoughts on patience here. The balance of voicing concerns and being accepting is important to remember especially in community and in relationships. I really started paying attention to this late into my year last year. I think for me I found that my priorities changed from the minor things I felt I needed to address to maintaining good relationships with the people around me perhaps at the cost of those minor preferences I had, i.e. Where to put a piece furniture, how clean the kitchen should be, unequal amounts of dish washing, etc.

    It was a great party you hosted this weekend. Good music, good conversations. Looking forward to Silent Retreat to catch-up on JVC year 2 and how Lent went for you.
