Sunday, August 19, 2012

Moving Forward, Occasionally Looking Back

I am now one week into my new job and new life, post JVC. I'm not sure if it was in seeing old co-workers for the first time since leaving or moving furniture into my new place but either way, it's starting to hit me now that a new chapter has begun.

I left Miriams with a heavy heart. As I looked around the staff table at each person who I've shared laughs with and frustrations with, I remember thinking, "this was special. These people are special and this won't happen again; this will never happen again." I think the challenge in realizing that is trying to take comfort in that time we've shared together and not dwell in it. I remember a quote my friend from Bellingham sent me that read, "People generally come into our lives for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime" and I am challenged to view my life changes and transitions with that lens; instead of a "this isn't fair" kind of attitude.

During my final afternoon shift, my departure announcement was made right before dinner, during which a guest gave me one of his paintings. I was given multiple bead necklaces that are now hanging on my door in my new place and said countless goodbyes. A guest who has become a close friend of mine waited until she was about to leave for the weekend and approached me. This guest found out she had breast cancer in early July and we had met multiple times to talk about her acceptance and the chemo process she is doing. She's a tough cookie, but when cancer was staring her in the face, all she could do was coil up and revert in. My outspoken friend taught me a lot about life, love and friendship throughout our three months of getting to know each other. As she approached me, I could see the tears already forming, I could see the struggle in her body language as she tried to hold it all back and she took my hands and said, "You are amazing; thank you for everything. You changed my life, you think you did so little, but you did so much. I will survive, I will survive and I will fight because I now have people fighting with me. I love you so much, Katie." We were clasping each other's hands so tightly; I guess it's all we thought we had to hold on to.

After emptying my desk, I left work at 6:30pm and went home to even more emotional craziness. My community went out to dinner together, came home and watched a slideshow of our year together, shared highs and lows of the year and then Colleen gave each of us a surprise box full of cards, notes and quotes from co-workers. It was a beautiful night with us, just us, remembering and loving each other.

The next day, Britt left. Colleen, Cara and I cleaned and did last minute stuff and by Saturday night, I moved in most of my boxes to my new place. Saturday night was my last night in that house and we all slept in the living room of course...hahaha...can't beat the A/C. The next day we said our goodbyes and each parted ways. I opened the door to my new apartment, looked in and saw plastic utensils and cups, paper plates, air mattresses and boxes and boxes of clothing.The next chapter was starting before I could blink my eyes.

I started my new job Monday. I walked into the school and quickly learned how new I was. I am the only first year teacher and I am the only one who's never taught Kindergarten before. BUT I remember January 2012, when I walked into Miriams as the only one to never work with people experiencing homelessness and I take some small comfort in that. So tomorrow marks week two of my new journey as an adult, with an apartment and a salary. I have a to-do list the size of the Washington monument, but I need to remember to continue to occasionally look back; to occasionally remember the ways I shined when I never thought I would and to remember the people who helped make me shine the most.

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