Hello, all,
I know it's been a while, heck I've gone and gotten engaged and married since my last post. Times certainly are a changing. :)
I have been silent. I have chosen to bite my tongue and not get involved or breathe life into this ridiculous campaign going on right now. But then I read a Facebook post by one of my friends and it persuaded me to say something...my two cents, and that's about how much they may be worth to you.
We don't really live in a world anymore where changing opinions and minds is respected as critically thinking or finding truth for yourself so I'm not on the band wagon to change anyone's mind. People look down on that, think it's a sign of wishy washy-ness, weakness and indecisiveness...we live in a very mixed up world. So I don't want to change your opinion or make you vote for Hilary Clinton. I do, however, want you to not vote for Donald Trump and here is why:
Picture me in my classroom, 18 five-year-olds, running around on the playground, having a good time...and one of them comes up to me crying...let's say her name is Michelle. Well, Michelle is crying because a little boy told her she was a fat, ugly pig and that he can say whatever he wants to her and she can't do anything about it. Now STOP for a second. (If you're like me and you hear her say these things, you feel all Mama Bear and want to get to the bottom of it, right?)
I walk up to the boy, let's call him Ronald, and repeat what Michelle has told me to him (while she's standing next to me). His only response, without any fear, pain, compassion or idea of getting in trouble is: "well, I said it; it's how boys talk. But if you knew what Timmy had said then you'd be more mad."
Now STOP again. How does this playground scenario sound? Typical of a five-year-old, right? The whole, well if Timmy jumped off a bridge, would you? comment is coming to mind.
This conversation, this line of thinking, these WORDS and lack of accountability would not fly in my classroom. In fact, if I was a mother, this behavior wouldn't fly in my home either. Ronald would get a talking to, a time out, a loss of privilege like recess that day and would have to apologize to Michelle.
With the recent recordings in mind, I need to speak out. This is NOT locker room talk...we do not live in the 1950's where this kind of talk is acceptable. My brother does not talk like this. My father does not talk like this. My husband does not talk like this. Multiple male friends have spoken to me, enraged because THEY do not talk like this and Trump and his supporters are bundling them into this 1950's male chauvinistic mindset. I know these statements to be true...they do not use their power in a way that intimidates, corners or humiliates women. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE.
Thinking you can put down others and get away with demeaning them is WRONG. It is plain WRONG. If I repeated this scenario to my students they wouldn't even hesitate to point out how despicable this all is. With this election, I'd be embarrassed to repeat anything Mr. Trump has said about women, the handicapped, minorities, veterans and those living in poverty. His words are despicable. His attitude and frame of mind is rotten and he is a poison to our society. The worse part is, is that his supporters defend this behavior. I am not anti-Republican by any means...I am definitely all about finding the right and best answer (which could come from any party or person) but sticking with a man who hates 85% of the country is WRONG. You are WRONG and Mr. Trump's entire campaign is WRONG. Any of my five-year-olds can see that.
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