Friday, January 21, 2011

Theological Reflection...Matthew 20

Last nights reading was Matthew, chapter 20. It basically talked about the old saying of "idle hands are the devil's tools." The chapter made me think about how in Bridgeport, most of the entertaining things to do are non-existent. You have to travel either 10 minutes north, east or west to find anything fun to do as a child or an adult. This makes for an interesting "playground" for trouble to fester.

From September, when I first met most of my kids, until now, I have seen a few kids drop out of the center I work for. I have seen, first hand, kids come into the center and without proper attention at home or ample healthy opportunities to "blow off steam" my kids have gotten into trouble: idle hands.

I've found that without constant attention and continuous activities, my kids will go crazy. When there's a break down in the schedule or my kids are bored, that's when poop hits the fan and things unravel. Fights, arguments, yelling, running around, not listening and disruptiveness are all the result of their "idle hands". Matthew chapter 20 has two different major quotes that strike me:

16 "Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."


28 "the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."

It's the later quote that hit me the hardest. Idle hands may be the devil's tools and my kids may be play things of the devil's from time to time but the last quote is the one that resonates in my heart..."the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." It is this thought that I must continue to keep at the forefront of my mind...Jesus served, He served more than I will ever serve for He died for all of our sins...that's a lot of people! If He can do that, than I can serve my mischievous and sometimes unbearable children until's not that much to ask for, I just have to serve with a full heart. Loves, and I hope this entry made sense!

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