Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Few Things and More Little Blessings

First of all, I just wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge the blessing that was this past weekend. I went on JVC East: North's Ignatian Spirituality Silent Retreat this past weekend and I went into it with an open mind and came out with it enriched and with a new perspective on life. It was a great weekend of tranquility, challenge and self-awareness. I loved the time I got to ponder the things in my life like being in DC next year, my job next year, my family, my friends, the relationships I've formed here (both unhealthy and healthy) and how all that relates to the plan God has in store for me. I will post again about these ramblings at a later journal is half full now so I got to write a ton while on this retreat. Moving forward to what I am currently thinking about: my kids. I have more little blessing entries I want to post so I hope you enjoy reading about them!

*Kayla: This crazy six-year-old is off the wall. She’s beautiful but crazy. She’s always smiling her devilish, scheming smile and always doing bad things behind our backs. She’ll push other kids, cut in line, steal food and say mean things to the other kids. She’ll whine about other kids being mean when they tattle on her because she hopes you’ll listen to her and forget what the other kids had tattled about…she’s very clever and very sly.

*Dolly: Dolly is in kindergarten and she is a crier. When I say “crier” I mean she never stops crying. She cries because she wasn’t first in line, she cries that she didn’t get to play, she cries that the snack she wanted is all gone, she cries that the blue hula hoop she wanted isn’t the right color blue and she cries over EVERYTHING. I have never seen a child cry so much over nothing in my entire life. She doesn’t even know why she’s crying half the time. You ask her, “Dolly, why are you crying?” and she’ll just cry harder, for hours. She cried at least four times today within two hours. I can’t imagine having that many tears to shed.

*Brandy: Brandy is why we have a no more than two snack rule at my center. Brandy is seven and weighs as much as I do. She has the jolliest smile and the brightest eyes and shares with all the kids because she hates that kids go hungry. But when we tell her she can’t do something, she gets made for a second and won’t talk to anyone. Also, Brandy doesn’t fit into her clothes. It’s your usual Bridgeport case of a child growing too big for her clothes and parents can’t afford to buy bigger clothes so sadly, Brandy is busting (literally) out of her tops; her belly is always showing.

My favorite group is the 5-7 Boys group because I love them. They are so amazing and so funny. They also try my patience the most but I guess that's just how life goes. Here's a few of the boys that make my heart smile:

*Jacob: Jacob is in first grade and is the tiniest, little Asian boy I have ever seen...he's smaller than some of the Pre-K kids. He's got a high pitched voice and wears high water navy blue pants. He's smart as a whip but incredibly lazy. To get attention, he takes forever to do his homework so that one of the councilors has to sit with him to make sure he completes it. He can do it in five minutes but decides to take an hour just because he wants to be acknowledged so badly. Everyone thinks he's the cutest but until you spend every day with this little mischievous boy, you can't really offer an un-biased opinion. When I first met Jacob, he was trying to peer over the foosball table just enough to play the game. He was flipping the handles as hard as he could, screaming, "get outta my way, you foo!" He's ridiculous but I love him just the same.

Now I have my gym class here so I have to go...I will write more about the joys of my kids...loves!

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