Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Week in BPT

So I left Washington two weeks ago today and got to my house in Bridgeport one week ago essentially I suck at posting on my blog. :) I have limited internet use so that contributes to part of it...but those of you who have been waiting for a post, sorry it's taken me so long!

Orientation: Mixed emotions...I was nervous because of obvious reasons like culture shock and new experiences but everyone was really cool. Everyone was so excited to be there; to be serving! It felt "right" to be there. Orientation lagged on and on for five days, I housemates and I just wanted to get to our new house because we didn't know what would be waiting for us in Bridgeport. At Orientation, I was an EM for both of the Masses we was funny because I felt like I fit right back into that role of being the dependable Catholic...hahahaha.

Monday night there was a talent show in which my community changed the words to "Party in the U.S.A" by Miley Cyrus to "Party in the B.P.T". It was a great bonding experience...

When we left on Tuesday, Alie, my roommate, and I headed due North for CT!!! As we were driving through PA, Katie (one of my other roommates) had a tire basically blow on the highway so we had to pull over to get assistance from Bob's Automotive (thanks, Bob). So that was an hour detour. We passed through PA, NY and then finally reached CT at around 7:30pm. When we got there, our local support was waiting with arms open for hugs all around. John and Sara are our "adoptive parents" and they are in charge of making us feel welcome and are there to answer questions we have about Bridgeport...they are great and soooo supportive. Then there's Lindsey, who is a former JV and she is in charge of introducing us to JV life. Then there's Fr. Mike who is a Jesuit from Fairfield University who is available for spiritual's a good bunch of people.

After a little debate: Alie and Katie are sharing a big room upstairs. I have the big room across the hall to myself and Melissa was awesome in volunteering to be downstairs in the room down there. We have already had funny interactions with WILD TURKEYS and leaking toilets/kitchen sinks/basement. We have a huge house...the old JV community moved all the boxes and stuff to our new house and so we spent the first few days moving everything in and around the house. It's nice to have that aspect of "the move" behind us.

My job has been slow thus far...but I can tell I'm going to be challenged but still love it! I'm excited to begin working with kids. Thus far, I've been doing paperwork and flyer distribution so I've definitely had moments of paralell from this to my PM year! It's been great because everyone is so great to work with...very relaxed.

Last night was our first spirituality night...I led seemed to be really good for us. I did the same activity Lucas did for the X-House last year...with the crosses and framing them...anywho, it seemed to work really well.

Looking to the future: My house and I are going to a baseball game on Friday...Go Bluefish! hahaha and I'm reading Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets...our house has the whole collection so I feel it's a sign that I need to read them! Anywho, I hope everyone is doing well and this post isn't too lengthy! Loves!


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