Song lyrics (in blog title) taken from "Unity" by Trevor Hall.
*Saturday, Nov. 12, 2011: Today I am thankful for the ISN Teach-In. So the Ignatian Spirituality Network puts on an annual conference in DC where Catholic high schoolers, youth groups, colleges and JVs come to learn more about social justice and faith. This was my first one this year. I had heard many negative things about it leading up to the event so I was a little apprehensive about going to the conference, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was such an invigorating and recharging weekend of social justice issues, highly charged individuals who are working for justice and meeting other JVs/FJVs too! It was the right dosage of inspiration to propel me forward in the coming weeks.
*Sunday, Nov. 13, 2011: Today I am thankful for laughter, Sunday night football and good company. During our dinner break during the Teach-In, a few of us decided to watch the Giants/49-ers game (and I watched the Seahawks kick butt) at a bar. We sat down, had a drink and just enjoyed each other's company. I have forgotten how much I miss testosterone in my life. Men just crack me up and I enjoy hanging out with them so much; talking football or whatever. It was so much fun. We got angry about the Giants sucking and laughed about stupid jokes and had an intense conversation about gender as ran the gambit and for two hours, we just enjoyed each other's company. So today I am grateful for Sunday night football.
*Monday, Nov. 14, 2011: Today we had our JVC Day of Reflection Retreat and it was good. Although I was exhausted and completely not interested in talking about my feelings while I was so incredibly vulnerable because of my exhaustion, it turned out to be just what I needed. Besides spending an entire day with my own community, I got to spend quality time with the Le Droit community as well. It reminded me that I really want to hang out with them more. I really want to take the time to invest in them because as one of them said it best at the end of the retreat yesterday, "we are not just Le Droit or Petworth, we are also a part of one bigger, DC JVC community." I am thankful for honesty, openness, the space to be both honest and open and just spending time with quality people. On this retreat, our Program Coordinator played the song "Unity" by Trevor Hall for us to listen to and reflect on. So if you don't know the song, you should look it up...also, "Lemon Tree" is really good by him too.
*Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011: So it's only 1pm so I shouldn't be beating myself up about the fact that I am struggling to come up with something I am grateful for today but I am. I am having a hard time thinking of something I am grateful for...BUT one of my seniors came up to me this morning, as soon as she walked in and said, "Oh! I missed you, Katie. Where were you?" I told her and she said, "well, why didn't you take me with you?" It was a short interaction and nothing too crazy was discussed but her noticing I was gone and her taking time to walk up the stairs to inform me of her happiness that I was back made me smile. It's always nice to know someone cares about you, even if it only was a five-minute conversation.
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