Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So we made our way by finding what was real. Now the days are so long that summer's moving on.

Song lyrics (in title of blog) taken from Daughtry's "September" (Alie is going to kill me for choosing a Daughtry song).

*Monday, Nov. 7th, 2011: This may seem silly, but today I am thankful for my footie pajamas. When I need to feel warm and cuddly or need to feel silly or just childish, they are there. They were a gift from a housemate of mine last year and have served me well ever since. Last night I was cold, tired and ready to just vedge out and low and behold, I open my bottom drawer to my dresser and there they were, just begging to be worn. I put them on and immediately felt warm and empowered...they brightened my mood immediately and I felt ready to make dinner, watch Jeopardy and then watch The Sing Off!!! So thank you, sock monkey footie pajamas for just being you...

*Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 2011: I am grateful for Kae. While attempting to tackle my list of homebound seniors for the Thanksgiving meal delivery program and the Christmas giving tree program, I called Kae. Her real name is something else, but when I introduced myself as Katie she said, "oh, people call me Kae. While I was a WAC, they began to call me Kae because my middle name is Katherine." My mind immediately stunted in thought...she was a WAC...as in part of the first group of women other than nurses to serve within the ranks of the United States Army during WWII. WHAT?!?!?! So amazing and she nonchalantly mentioned it like it was nothing. THEN, when I went into my script about receiving a free Thanksgiving meal and free Christmas gift she agreed to the meal and said, "You could serve somebody who needs a gift more than I do. I don't need anything but good health and I don't even have that. So you should give a gift to someone else." Her genuine desire to forgo a gift made me put her on the list even more and she thanked me and wished me well. I will probably never meet Kae; I will maybe talk to her on the phone one more time before the holidays but her genuine care for others and the incredible life story, I'm sure she has, intrigue me and remind me of what's really important every day of the year: good health and good intentions for others.

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