For the past few months I've considered writing a Gratitude Journal. I feel like in the inner struggles I am having and am going to have in the future, it'll be important to remember the little things throughout my day that have made me smile or appreciate life. (just throwing this out there, I am not depressed or anything so don't you be worrin'!)
So I'm going to start with Tuesday, August 16th (move into DC day): I am grateful for safe travels an quality time spent with Laura, our local support person and her kids. She has such great insight.
Wednesday, August 17th: My roommates because they cleaned and killed and scrubbed so much of our house. We all bonded over making the house our own space.
Thursday, August 18th: Seeing three of the five agencies working with my Petworth community this year. But the take away memory is visiting Brittney's agency. She works at an AIDS hospice and as soon as I walked in I could feel the warmth, the love, the companionship. I got chills and whispered to Brit, "I think I'm going to cry." The walls are lined and the shelves are piled with picture upon picture of all those who have passed on, who were receiving care from her hospice home. It was a great luncheon and a wonderful reminder of why I do what I do.
Friday, August 19th: Seeing my agency. I got to see my facility, meet the staff and talk with a couple elderly patrons over lunch. It gave me a sense of relief to finally see where I'm going to be working. Also, having an "in" and being able to have a private Capital tour! So cool! And one last thing, the happy hour our local orientation coordinator put together for us at a local bar. It was a blast to see Sean Baird, Andrea Woods and some other FJVs from last year and to meet new ones! Also, hanging with the amazing Le Droit Park house (other JVC DC community) was a blast.
Saturday, August 20th: Walking around DC and chatting with my roommates. Getting more familiar with the area we live in and walking around Columbia Heights (although it's hard core been gentrified). It was interesting to see the affect and demographic change gentrification has had on this community.
Sunday, August 21st: Going to Mass with my roommate Colleen in Georgetown. It helped me appreciate humility and a simple lifestyle. I realized then and there that I don't think I will ever be able to live an extravagant just makes me too uncomfortable.
Monday, August 22nd: First day of work at Emmaus. My boss took me around to our different service sites and I spoke with a few angry seniors about the issues they're finding and the hardships they're enduring. I got thrown into the social justice or injustice of the elderly...I had no clue what was coming to me, but it was great to be whapped over the head by these seniors. One man let me have it big time, saying things like: "You're young, you probably are part of the reason why I can't find took my job. I wanna work. I want affordable housing and I want to provide for myself but there's nothing there for me. If I make too much, they take my Social Security away. If I make too little, I am homeless. Now how you gonna solve that, huh?" It was a wake up call.
Tuesday, August 23rd: I began my day like any other, but at the bus stop I was approached by an elderly man. I had watched this man wobble across the street with his cane and watched him sit down. After sitting down, he looked at me and said, "can you do me a favor?" I responded, "well I can try." He looked at me, very seriously, (I thought he was going to ask me for a dollar) but he said, "only you can do this for me." I smiled and said, "well, now the pressure is on!" He chuckled and said, "I want you to have the very best day you could possibly have." I smiled and laughed and said, "well, I will certainly try and you have the best day you can have too." That little interaction made my entire day brighter and better.
Wednesday, August 24th: It was such a slow day at work so I was grateful for time to relax, cool off, cook dinner and listen to music. It was a nice unwinding and private time for me to just chill.
Today, August 25th: I got my own business cards today! hahaha...but besides that, an elderly woman came in and asked me to book an eye appointment for her. For some reason, that 20 minute interaction made me feel so useful and needed (which is what I love to do). She was so grateful and so kind, I love her. In addition, I went and visited one of our service sites and served lunch to all the seniors there. FINALLY! Some direct service! I got to do an intake for an elderly woman and we laughed over how hard it was to find a good man now-a-days. She said, "I only want three things in life: a home, my faith and a husband. I got two of 'em!" I smiled and said, "oh gurl, don't you know it!" It was funny and I want more interactions like that.
So hopefully I'll be better at this as we go...who knows what tomorrow may bring...I mean, it is casual Friday at work!!! :)