Monday, August 29, 2011

Gratitude Over the Weekend

Saturday, August 27, 2011: I was sitting in my bed, looking out my very muddied window, trying to see the smudged out street lamp from my bedroom and all I was thinking was: Thank God I am indoors. Hurricane Irene was hitting us dead on. It’s 11:30pm and she started tearing through DC at 2pm and just got angrier and angrier as she came through. We saw hard rain; basically sideways rain and winds went up to 65mph. My night was really laid back; one of my roommates and I went halvsises on a 18-pack of beer and we enjoyed that as we watched Irene’s wrath tear through Keefer Place. What I am most grateful for is my family and friends. They were non-stop texting me (almost every 30 minutes) to see if I was still alive. At first I was a little annoyed by it but then I realized that at least I have loved ones. There are many that don’t have people bugging them about whether they’re alive or not…they don’t have people checking in on them or asking them silly questions like: “do you have enough buckets?” I am grateful for the concern and love my family and friends have for me…Irene can’t tear that apart…she can try, but it’s gonna take more than a hurricane to break that up.

Sunday, August 28th, 2011: Today I am grateful for my safety and for the beauty I saw at the Basilica near Catholic University's campus. The Basilica reminded me of why I love my faith so much and why I need it so much. The different devotional chapels they have set up to the Virgin Mother is beautiful. They had one for every major nationality/ethnicity/race. One of my favorite chapels was the one for African heritage. It was a perfect size; very intimate so I felt like it was my private time with Mary. Another wonderful one was the Irish heritage one. It had a huge fountain in it and tall, tall ceilings. Lastly, the marble statue of Mary carrying Jesus after He's been crucified is in the actual church part of the Basilica. It hit me to the very core...although I hate the over-abundance of wealth dripping all over the place, it was a beautiful sight to behold. These three places/images hit me the hardest and struck me because they each reminded me of Mary's active role in my was a reminder that I need to devote more time to her...because she loves me so very much.

Monday, August 29, 2011: Today I am grateful for knowledge. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from those around me. I learned today that come October 1st, I will be working with maybe six other people. My current supervisor hasn't told me directly yet that he is leaving, but it's pretty obvious to me that there just isn't a place for him once the big change to a different agency occurs and budget cuts happen. Therefore, I am grateful for the knowledge these people have taught me thus far. Also, I am grateful for the knowledge I am going to leech off of them before they all leave...because I am ignorant about senior issues, I am going to try and get as much from them before they peace out. I'm nervous for the change, because we have a staff of 15 right now and I've gotten to know my direct supervisor and another co-worker really well...but I know God has plans for me...and I'm grateful for that.

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