*Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 2011: Today was our baking party with DC - Le Droit Park! It was so much fun and such a good way to relax and enjoy each other's company. We baked gingerbread, sugar cookies, peanut butter and chocolate cookies and chocolate chip cookies. We decorated the sugar cookies and just laughed and enjoyed each other. It was fun to be silly and celebrate the season together. I want to hang out with them more often because they are such a good group of people. I am grateful for Le Droit today.
*Wednesday, Dec. 14th, 2011: Today I am grateful for supportive friends and the wise words of one particular friend. So I've been worried about finding a new placement and making the right choice instead of scrambling and grabbing at the first offer I get. I've been worried that I'd take a job that I didn't feel passionate about because of the time crunch I'm in. Well, I was expressing these concerns to my friend and he responded with a short and perfect reply, "Trust your heart and let it fall into place." In these crazy days of worry and concern, those words have been resonating and incredibly helpful to remember...I just need to trust my heart and let everything fall where it will. Thanks, friend.
*Thursday, Dec. 15th, 2011: Today was wonderful. I took a personal day to tour around DC with my friend from college, who was here for a business trip, and it was such a good reunion! We began our day at around 10:30am and ran around the National Mall, hitting up all the major monuments and goofing around like old times. At around 2pm, we had to part ways because I had to go on a field trip with a local Pre-K through 8th grade school. It was such a blessing to see him and hang out for those four hours! AND the field trip was a lot of fun. I forgot how funny kids were. These past few months of working with seniors has dimmed my "child-like" silliness and in one, single field trip, it was brought back. My local support person, who teaches at the school, and I took seven 6th-8th graders to a youth poetry slam and it was amazing. It was really fun and good to hear the poems the kids shared. Such a good day...I am grateful for today.
*Friday, Dec. 16th, 2011: I am grateful for blessings and random "perfect timing" moments. Today I got a call from my JVC supervisor telling me to contact a Jesuit school in DC about the possibility of me teaching there as a JV. He said someone just left their school and they need someone ASAP to fill the spot. I am hoping that this may be my new placement and possibly my new job after I leave JVC in August. I would be teaching 6th grade religion (oh goodness, that'll be a challenge) but I can adapt and learn and grow to love the class. Please pray for me and for the stars to line up perfectly that this works out!
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