*Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2011: Today I am grateful for silent reflection and the prayer walk Colleen led our community in tonight. We began with a quiet reflection/journal writing for two different things: 1) Prayer Intentions for each of our populations we're serving - refugees, children, those in hospice care and senior citizens. 2) Prayer Intentions for each individual serving in those populations. After we journaled and reflected, Colleen led us to the Basilica, about a mile's walk from our house. Along the way, we stopped and prayed our intentions. First was on our porch, because our neighbor is a senior citizen and we prayed for seniors and me. Then, we started walking silently and then stopped on a street corner where a lot of neighborhood children play and we prayed for children and Colleen. Then we continued to walk silently and stopped at the hospital and prayed for those in hospice care and Brittney. Then, we continued walking again and about a block from the Basilica, we stopped at an overgrown area with trees and brush and we prayed for refugees and Cara. Then we walked to the Basilica and stopped in at "Mary's Garden" and had final reflection time independently and prayed for ourselves. I sat in front of Mary and a little pool of water and prayed; I prayed for inner peace and for God to give me the strength to let go - let go of Bridgeport, let go of my insecurities and my fears keeping me from being fully present in this year in DC. It was a wonderful night, a wonderful spirituality night and I am so grateful for that time we had as a community to pray together and for each other.
*Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011: Today was a blessing; just a day full of blessings. I was apprehensive about going on a field trip with my seniors today to Wal-Mart because I have never been on a field trip with them and because they are a little cold and unwelcoming at times. The bus ride there was quiet and they didn't engage any of the conversations I tried to start with them so I just kept to myself for the rest of the ride there. Once we got to Wal-Mart, they sprinted from the bus to the store and just took off like rockets. I made my way around the store, looking at Christmas decorations and milling around to waste time. At 1pm we left the Wal-Mart to get some lunch and all the ladies were even more grumpy than they had been before (probably because they were hungry). So we made our way to the Old Country Buffet. Once lunch started and we all had our buffet selections, I sat down next to two ladies and tried to talk with them. One, was very talkative. We talked about Thanksgiving and cooking/baking. It was a really good lunch. Then we both snuck away to the dollar store to get a "few things". She and I tore up the dollar store, where I found some kick booty Christmas decorations and she found bags and bags of potato chips. Once we all loaded up on the bus again to get back to DC, the ladies were so chatty with me. They also wanted to pool their money together to give the bus driver a tip because he was staying on past his working hours was not going to be paid overtime or any time for that matter for being with us past 2pm. So they all chipped in some money and gave him it. Then, as I helped each one off the bus and into their respective homes (carrying their bags of loot along the way), one senior shoved $2 in my hand and when I tried to give it back she said, "no, please, please, just take it." Because the seniors I work with have very little money and save up their pennies for these field trips to the store, it was an honor to get that from her. Her face was so sincere and for the first time in DC, I felt love from one of my seniors. It was a good day and I am thankful to be here.
*Thursday, Dec. 1, 2011: Today I am thankful for the new senior aide we got. He is very helpful and has such a good attitude. Today has been crazy with so much insanity and glimpses into the ugly world of non-profit. So this new senior aide, with his big smile, his "no nonsense" work ethic and efficient style of doing things is the breath of fresh air we needed at our agency.
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