So Monday marks the two-month point since leaving the Pacific Northwest. I have a few revelations and experiences to check off a long laundry list of glorious happenings in that two-month period of time.
I have a new appreciation for:
Small states and the ability to travel through 4 states in an hour; the non-stop rain of the PNW; old buildings, erected before Washington even became a state; the ability to adapt as a human being; letter writing; sewing; laughter; music and dancing; Dunken Doughnuts; Italian cooking; eggplant; wild turkeys; bear hugs; red wine; electric blankets; Valentino's wave every morning at 8:45am and much, much more.
Things I have experienced:
Central Park in NYC; Yale; Lil' Italy festival in NYC; Bridgeport Bluefish baseball games; Baltimore; warm, loving smiles from little faces every day; true poverty and the feeling of being a minority; Cardinal Shehan Center's Women's Golf Classic; an Amurika Party where I did pretty well in beer pong; September Fest at John and Sara's church; a sense of purpose and belonging; using a push mower; skunk sitings; three thunder storms; loss of power at the Shehan Center; being someone who is there for kids who've never felt that kind of love before and much, much more.
These past two months have not gone by without a glitch and they certainly haven't been easy; but I have discovered a lot about myself and my own, personal strength. I have learned a lot about what I need to be doing with my life...and that's helping kids. I could do this for the rest of my life...I want to be this person for kids for the rest of my life. It's that simple. These past two months have been a roller coaster of emotion and they haven't been easy, but these kids give me hope, give me love and give me a sense of purpose. I love them. More to's only the beginning and I'm so excited to see what else the Lord has in store for me!!!
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