*Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011: I am grateful for flexibility and fun with good people. Today was a busy day. We woke up really early to support HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in DC. Two of my roommates ran in the 5K early Saturday morning and they did great despite the stinky weather! Then, we all walked in the HIV/AIDS walk. The weather was gross, we got soaked, but it was a wonderful morning. Then, Colleen, Cara and I made our way to Baltimore for the Newark Halloween party. It was a crazy afternoon of travel and fighting snow storms and TONS of flexibility with our scheduling/travel but we made it to Newark safely. In Newark we got to hang out with a lot of JVs we hadn't seen since Orientation and it was great. It was a fun night of laughter, socializing and friendship. I am grateful for the gifts of flexibility and fun.
*Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011: Today, I am reminded of how thankful I am for reliability. I am thankful for reliable friends and family, who do what they say they are going to do, when they say they are going to do it. Because of our dependency on other people for a ride home from Newark, we were at their mercy for the 17 hours we were with them. When they decided it was time to drive the 4 hours back to Baltimore at 5am, we had to go with them or we'd be screwed so we left. We were on the road longer than we were actually in Newark...crazy. Anywho, it made me appreciate the reliability of my family and close friends/roommates. I appreciate people who are dependable, reliable and considerate of others' time. I am very grateful for those qualities in my family and friends today.
*Monday, Oct. 31, 2011: Happy Halloween!!! I am thankful for creativity and a child-like heart today. Although today especially makes me miss my kids back in Bridgeport, I still am trying to spread the Halloween fun by dressing up in my costume once more (Woody from Toy Story) tonight for any children that may come to our door, watching a semi-scary but not really Halloween movie and eating as much Halloween candy as I possibly can consume! I am thankful for my roommate, Colleen and her and my shared personality traits of a child-like heart and creativity with our costumes. When living on a strict budget, you have to be creative with pulling off your costume for Halloween and I feel like we did it well! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! Bwa-ha-ha!!!
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